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Dr.Mrs. Future Show - Issues of informed consent, defying authority, Gates Control, viral load exposure, safety and efficacy of Covid vaccines, Economy vs Health, dangers of masks, helpful vasodilation agents 

The natives are restless as we continue the lockdown in California. Non-stop callers today covering the gamut of our current crisis. One of the big issues this week is getting back to work and what does that actually look like?  And how much death and suffering is caused by slowing the economy so drastically? Looking at such cost/benefit decisions is different for different callers, and we fielded quite a range.  
Callers were also very concerned about the erosion of constitutional and human rights during this health crisis, and what we can do about that.  And medically, we discussed a number of preventative health measures worth knowing, including vasodialation for preventing damage to one’s organs by Covid-19. Also, with our science correspondent Bobby Wilder, we discuss what’s up with the banning of certain popular spokespersons promulgating alternate points of view on the crisis, like Dr. Judy Mikovits.  The pond is beginning to boil as we start to reboot the economy.

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