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33 Future Now Show - Maui DEW, Nobel in at Attosecond, Behold the Sphere, National Emergency System Test, Wireless Power Update, Fairy Circles Scrutinized, Digital Analog Memory Computation

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 It’s not often that a level-headed engineer would take on conspiracy theory ideas like Maui’s fires were due to directed energy weapons from orbit.  And hey, we are lucky to have an investigation of this concept, and I think you will find his conclusions to be satisfying.  Also of interest in the energy department are the advancements happening in the world of wireless energy. Not simply in terms of charging your car, but also providing Gigawatts of power from space!  And we take a closer look at the wireless emergency alert system, with an experiment we did with iPhones and Androids.

 Also this week, the Nobel prize for physics went to scientists who are slicing time into attoseconds, a billionth of a billionth of a second, so that we may have clearer views of what is happening on the molecular and atomic realms of universe.  And we look at the new evidence suggesting widespread creation of fairy circles on the planet.  Bobby shares more info on his infra-red healing experiments and we explore the finding of fresh carbon molecules on the surface of Europa. What could this mean?  Enjoy!

The Las Vegas Sphere illuminated at night




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