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Future News - Fast Running robots, Quantum Teleportation Breakthrough, Schulgin Memorial, Greg Panos updater on VR/Augmented Reality, Taylor Barcroft on Apple's WWDC.

Listen Now to Dr. Future Show 6.3.14

We have great updates this week from our favorite operatives in the field - Greg Panos on the Virtual Reality / Augmented Reality scene and Taylor Barcroft on the latest with Apple Computer and their World Wide Developer’s Conference announcements.  

It was sad to report on the death of Alexander Schulgin, a pioneer of the mind via his research in psychedelic compounds.  We also lost Dave Blackburn this last week, a fellow explorer of the immersive digital frontier, and Galen Mitzryk, a brother who was exploring the future in Vilcabamba, Ecuador.

And just maybe we’ll be able to teleport one day, given the 100% transfer of the exact spin of an electron from one location to another..  A fun show packed with info this week!


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