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Interview - Steve Wagner on "All You Need is Myth - The Beatles and the Gods of Rock"

Listen Now to Steve Wagner

 Our guest this week get us thinking about the influence of the Beatles on us all, their deep mythic impact, showing how their legendary story contains archetypes, symbols and narratives of the past while offering a new mythic visionj for today.   Steve also makes the case that the hero and heroines of classic rock and roll are like the Greek or Roman Gods, bigger than life, and constitutes a new religion, a living belief system that continues to evolve to this day and beyond.  A fascinating interview, if we don’t say so ourselves!

He will be presenting an immersive multimedia experience and dialogue on the topic June 22, 2014 3:00 p.m. at the Carmel Woman’s Club, 9th Ave & San Carlos, Carmel, CA., and June 28th, 2014 7:00 p.m. at The Art Bar and Cafe, 1060 River St., Santa Cruz, CA.


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    Response: pokemony na gba
    N:OW - Dr Future's Blog - Interview - Steve Wagner on "All You Need is Myth - The Beatles and the Gods of Rock"

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