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News - Tech pioneer Pat McGovern passes, Creating Nanobionic Superplants, Synthetic Biology by Autodesk

Listen Now to Dr. Future News 3.25.14

It was with great sadness that we heard that publishing giant Patrick J. McGovern had passed, a true visionary in the high tech world who had succeeded in spreading the enlightenment of information technology to the entire planet via his hundreds of publications sourced from his people in IDG offices in dozens of countries.  He basically ran the largest private intelligence network on the planet. An amazing man and a mentor to me for many years, you can see a video clip I shot with him and fellow philanthropist/publisher Henry Dakin in March of 1990, in the days of the collapse of the Soviet Union. It wasn’t long after this video that I was winging my way to Russia, on a special mission that both of these men helped to spawn..but that’s another story.

Meanwhile, the nanobiotech revolution continues to unfold with advances like “nanobionic superplants,” embued with special powers like 30% greater photosynthetic capabilities.  We also have new tools for creating living inventions, thanks to a new skunk works biolab in San Francisco, sponsored by the giant software company, Autodesk..  Enjoy the show!

Tech publisher giant Pat McGovern and myself (Allan Lundell aka Dr. Future) back in 1990

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    N:OW - Dr Future's Blog - News - Tech pioneer Pat McGovern passes, Creating Nanobionic Superplants, Synthetic Biology by Autodesk

Reader Comments (1)

Pat McGovern was a great man, I usually read about him, I was really a nice man in the field of Technology, his death is really a sad story for all technology fan :(
Wed, April 23, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterWordpress CMS
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