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We are Back! Meteoric Airburst, 3D Printer acceleration, What is Erotic? update

Listen Now to Dr.Future Show Feb 19, 2013

 After a couple of months pursuing other projects, such as our ground-breaking iPad app (to be discussed on today’s show), we are back at KSCO to share with you the future of sex, politics, religion, arts and science!  Lots to cover on today’s show and we look forward to hearing from you, our dear fans!

This week, Mr. Past calls in regarding the meteor events of late, we play the live sound of the Russian meteor airburst, MZ weighs in on Obama issues, 3D printer update, Dr. Joe shares in excitement about new medical breakthroughs, we chat about the future of AI, and Laura Bishop shares “What is Erotic?”.  At the very end of the show, we play a tune from this year’s WIE show, “Polyamory.”

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    N:OW - Dr Future's Blog - We are Back! Meteoric Airburst, 3D Printer acceleration, What is Erotic? update

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