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Mrs. Future tangles with Elon Musk detractor, Chinese moon probe examined, guests Richard Cray and Greg Panos on virtual collaborative art and augmented reality.

Listen Now to Dr. Future Show 12.17.13

A lively show this week, starting off early on Ethan’s show, with a brief debate between Sun (Mrs. Future) and talk show host Ethan Bearman, regarding Ethan’s latest article,  ”Why Elon Musk is a Poor Person’s Worst Nightmare.”

The conversation continues into our show, followed by our guests Richard Cray and Greg Panos in the studio for both segments. Fortunately, besides their areas of expertise, our esteemed guests are good comprehensive generalists on all things future, fitting well with our discussion of current future topics.

Two of our biggest fans of the show, Greg and Richard are no strangers to future think, with Greg being one of the earliest researchers in Virtual and Augmented Reality, and Richard as a professional singer exploring many high tech artistic opportunities.  We discuss and play, for example, Eric Whitacre’s Virtual Choir presentations, with thousands of singers participating from around the planet. 

This pic of Greg and Richard was taken immediately after the show, during a most spectacular sunset.


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    N:OW - Dr Future's Blog - Mrs. Future tangles with Elon Musk detractor, Chinese moon probe examined, guests Richard Cray and Greg Panos on virtual collaborative art and augmented reality.
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    Response: cruze tail lights
    N:OW - Dr Future's Blog - Mrs. Future tangles with Elon Musk detractor, Chinese moon probe examined, guests Richard Cray and Greg Panos on virtual collaborative art and augmented reality.
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    N:OW - Dr Future's Blog - Mrs. Future tangles with Elon Musk detractor, Chinese moon probe examined, guests Richard Cray and Greg Panos on virtual collaborative art and augmented reality.

Reader Comments (1)

You mentioned in your podcast of the 17th that you are in agreement with producing energy on site, thus limiting or removing transportation costs etc...

Check out One of the verticals of their technology is the ability to grow the source grow/biomass right at the site producing the Energy (biofuels, electricity). On top of that, solving the Global Climate issues that plague our planet today. Much much more.

Sun, December 22, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterGreen is GREAT
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