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Bringing you the Best Burn Ever!

In case you missed this pyrotechnic master performance live last Saturday eve, we bring it to you now, thanks to a dedicated team of media pros at Burning Man.  Heading our team is a pioneer of streaming video, John Graham, Bill Hanson, senior Apple education executive, his assistant Francis (Bit Wrangler), Sun Lundell (Mrs. Future) on commentary, and myself, operating the mobile camera and commentary. You will also hear the voice of Burning Man radio personalities in this video.

The Burn itself featured a pryotechnic display unlike anything you have ever seen..there were so many fireworks at the start that it was like a 4th of July Grand Finale for 10 minutes! Then the giant gas explosion enveloping the entire man took everyone by surprise.  And yet…the Man still did not fall!  How did he finally meet his demise?  You’ll have to watch..

Bringing you this video was not easy, given the extreme remote location of the Black Rock Desert in Nevada, the ongoing intense dust storms, and the environment’s effects on our gear.  We did, however, get to play with some of the coolest gear around, such as TeraDek Brik, allowing us to digitally wirelessly send pristine HD images from portable cameras out in the desert to your laptops and tablets at home.

Enjoy the Burn and the preshow, which features some amazing firedancing!

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