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Natural Gas update, new UDACITY courses, Ejecta life, and Guest Dr. Bruce Damer, visionary technologist and independent scientist.

Listen Now to the Dr. Future Show 4.17.12

This week we have not divided the show into News and Interview segments, as Dr. Bruce Damer joined Mrs. Future and Mr. Past for most of the the news.  So, we have one show for you, covering a few thoughts on energy and natural gas, the new UDacity courses, and when Bruce enters, we go warp speed, covering his new theory of the Big Bang, Interstellar Ejecta, speculations on alien contact, Drake’s Equation, augmented reality, Avatars, the Digibarn project,  2012, Terence McKenna, and other thoughts about Life, the Universe, and everything in it.  We had a lot of fun making this show and may you enjoy listening to it!

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