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The LovEvolution Solution - Breaking Down the Barriers and Awakening Another Possible World

I had an opportunity to chat with Scotty Miller this weekend, the Captain of the Magic Love Bus, before it begins it’s LovEvolution journey across the USA this spring.  

Why is this interesting?   

Because the Magic Love Bus will be part of a rolling road show, educating and entertaining folks in towns across America about the West Coast Festival Culture, the Occupy Movement, the Green Revolution, peace and love amongst all global citizens.  

Besides gathering disparate Burners from towns across America, there will be a crew of LovEvolutionaries dedicated to sharing love, food, drumming, campfires, movies, discussions, dancing, music, yoga, and impromptu parades.
A media bus following  will host regular radio/TV shows about shared issues and interests promulagated by the LovEvolution crew as they connect with locals.  

The bus will also control its very own Peace Keeper Drone, showing us that not just the Pentagon can play with such tech..  It will, for example, shoot aerial video as small town police departments ‘visit’ the Bus on it’s journey through their territory. 

So, if you see it coming through your town, come on board the bus and join the conversation..

Listen now to Scotty Miller, Captain of the Magic Love Bus

 For more info, visit

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