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Beyond the USPS, Apple's Holographic TV plans, new 3D Printer Frontiers, guest Amara Angelica 

Listen Now Dr. Future Show 9.20.11

Can the Post Office pull itself out of it’s current dive into the dust bin of history?  Will Apple’s new 3D TV plans forever change the shape of television?  WIll our wallets go away, with the advent of Google Wallet? We delve deeply into these issues, stem cell research updates, and the future of manned space flight in the first half of this episode of Dr. Future.  

For the second hour, we are joined by Amara Angelica, a visionary futurist who  is co-founder and Editor of and its daily Accelerating Intelligence newsletter.   She was editor and researcher for two of Ray Kurzweil’s books, The Singularity Is Nearand Fantastic Voyage, and is Academic Model/Curriculum Lead for Singularity University. Amara’s eclectic background includes positions as operations analyst and human factors engineer for Grumman Aerospace for electronic intelligence and electronic countermeasures systems, aerospace reliability engineer for General Dynamics, USAF electronics instructor, electronics field engineer at Philco Corp., senior systems analyst at Grumman Data Systems, science/technology writer/editor, video script writer for Reeves Communications, high-tech marcom consultant, radio producer/engineer at WBAI-FM, and patent writer/inventor/IP manager in biomedical, biophysics, and nanoelectronics technologies for Technology Innovations Inc., and is a member of the Space Development Steering Committee, American Institute of Astronautics and Aeronautics, and on the board of directors of the National Space Society. Amara holds a BS in psychology/mathematics from the U. of Nebraska, and is an electronic musician, radio amateur operator (KF6TEJ), photographer, and videographer.

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