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A Dr. Future Movie Review - LIMITLESS


Listen to LIMITLESS Review

One of our “regular irregulars” on the Dr. Future Show, quantum physicist Nick Herbert, and his best friend, retired San Jose cop and current weight lifting coach, Reno DeCaro, love to watch movies together a couple of times a week in Reno’s state-of-the-art home theater.  

Not short of opinions and very discerning on what they watch, they recently viewed the SciFi thriller, “Limitless,” about a down on his luck writer who tries NZT, a revolutionary new pharmaceutical that allows him to tap his full potential. Starring Bradley Cooper and Robert DeNiro, this is the first Hollywood film that explores the topic of smart drugs, one of our show’s favorite topics.  I think you’ll enjoy Nick and Reno’s fast-paced, if somewhat scathing review of the film, and Nick’s desire for “quantum pharmaceuticals.”


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