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Introducing new Co-host M.C. Hager, SIRI AI update, Dr. Future's Court House experience, Crowdsourcing Democracy, Real World Avatar tech, Paul Allen on Singularity, Stem Cell reprogramming, Orbital Debris update, NanoMuscular evolution

Listen Now Dr. Future Show 10.18.11

In this show, Mrs. Future introducing our mysterious new co-host, M.C. Hager, while Dr. Future awaits jury duty at the Santa Cruz Court House.  During a break, Dr. Future reports in via Skype with some suggestions on how the jury selection process could be streamlined and the court generally, well, updated..

Also, Mrs. Future and M.C. explore Liberia’s experiments in social media crowdsourcing, more info about SIRI, the first networked AI personal assistant, the latest method of reprogramming stem cells, Microsoft Co-founder Paul Allen’s view on Ray Kurzweil’s concept of the Singularity, the Orbital Debris Quarterly, and other future now news..

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