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Future News - More on Tesla 3, Blue Origin Launch and Landing Success, Facebook's Blind Engineer, Planet with Three Suns in Sky, DARPA's Drone Ship, Arousing Robots, First Synthetic Bacterium, Drug Replicator 

Listen Now to Future News 4.05.2016

A great week for exciting future news, including an affordable Tesla car, a successful rocket launch and landing, a drone ship, sensitive robots, a drug replicator, and a synthetic bacterium!  Yum Yum, enjoy!



Interview with Vix and Vox, Citizen Scientists, on the latest in the Vaccine Controversy

Listen Now to Vix and Vox

With the pulling of the film Vaxxed from the prestigious Tribeca Film festival by Robert DeNiro, the topic of vaccines and the controversy surrounding their extensive use has once again come into public discussion.  To help us unravel the issues of vaccines we bring you Vix and Vox, two researchers who are on top of the topic, in part because they have personal experiences that have driven them to explore this arena deeply.

Vox is an attorney with a vaccine injured child and Vix is an MBA who was injured by vaccines in mid-career. They share their very articulate perceptions with us, including the research and issues presented in the banned film, Vaxxed.

Their outline of key vaccine issues and their references are on this Dr. Future page, under March 29, the day of our show. We think you will appreciate the candor and info presented in this show. Thanks for listening!


Future News- Tesla Model 3 Mandatory DNA Records in Kuwait Skiing on Titan Your Denisovan Ancestry 

Listen Now to Future News 3.29.2016

Oh boy, a new Tesla car to lust after! The Tesla Model 3 is to be revealed this week, and we look at some of its features.  Meanwhile, out in space, our Cassinni probe has revealed a mountain range on Saturn’s moon, Titan as well as large liquid pools and a dense atmosphere.  The atmosphere is largely nitrogen and some clouds, with wind and rain, dunes, rivers, lakes and seas of liquid methane-ethane.
Nice place if you like sub-zero temperatures!

We found it most interesting that our species interbred not just with Neanderthal but with a lesser known species known as Denisovans.  We have a map of Denisovan territory for your perusal.

And for extra added bonus security, Kuwait is requiring mandatory DNA tests for all residents. Let’s go!


The relative size of Saturn’s moon Titan, in relation to Earth and its moon.


Outline and Links for Today's Exploration of the latest controversy on Vaccines

  1. Intro: We are Vix and Vox, the Click and Clack of Vaccines
    1. Why we are using pseudonyms
    2. Our brief stories to show kids AND adults can be injured
      1. Vox: attorney with a vaccine-injured child
      2. Vix: MBA who was vaccine-injured mid-career
  2. Cost-Benefit: Every vaccine is a cost-benefit analysis decided by the ACIP, e.g. Chicken Pox developed for small market of kids with leukemia; later approved for all, not based on how deadly chicken pox is, but because the ACIP added a “lost days from work” productivity factor to the costs
    1. Vaccine efficacy
      1. MMR example - one shot of each when they were separate. Now, two vaccinations before 6
    2. Vaccine safety
      1. Gardasil example - is it safe? More injury and death reports than any other vaccine on the market. Given to 11 year old girls. No tests show it prevents cervical cancer. Immunity wanes in 5 - 8 years, the average age of cervical cancer diagnosis is 48. 
    3. How the Immune system works - vaccine-induced autoimmunity etc., Shoenfeld
  3. Choice, Hypocrisy and Shaming
    1. Choice: 
      1. If vaccines work, why shouldn’t we all have a choice? Why fear the unvaccinated?
      2. If we need vaccines to protect the kids whose immunity is wiped out by cancer treatments, why can’t we be more protective of kids with other medical conditions like those with genetics revealing a very high chance of getting an autoimmune or neurological disease due to vaccination?
    2. Shaming: A public health campaign run by the media (majority of revenues paid by Big Pharma, media cannot bite the hand that feeds them.); and the CDC; and your doctor; and your friends and neighbors. 
      1. Why all the pressure?
      2. Why will 95% of adults try to shame people for even questioning vaccine safety, yet only 30-35% of the population get the flu shot?
    3. Hypocrisy: 
      1. Anergics & Waning Immunity means that most adults who are doing the shaming are no longer immune themselves. If they are so worried, why aren’t they getting titers to check their and their kids’ immunity status? Why don’t they all rush out to get the flu shot the first day it’s available? Why shame someone into vaccines for non-contagious diseases? Why don’t they get all vaccines like rabies, anthrax, smallpox, if they are so worried about “unvaccinated vectors?”
  4. Legal
    1. William Thompson CDC Whistleblower on MMR causing autism in black boys
    2. Merck in court for spiking mumps vaccine with rabbit antibodies to fake efficacy
    3. SB277 in CA
    4. The facts about Andrew Wakefield and his 12-subject case study
    5. “Vaccine Hesitancy” - a new “condition” the WHO wants to diagnose in people
  5. Solutions
    1. Injury - keeping records and recognizing the signs
    2. Prevention - Nutrition, probiotics, Vitamin D, no Tylenol, etc
    3. Treatment - see a Functional Medicine MD or Naturopathic Doctor 
  6. Resources:
    1. VAERS - Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System
        2. Easier Interface to search VAERS:
    2. VICP - Vaccine Injury Compensation Fund (aka “Vaccine Court”)-
    3. Vaccine Injury Attorneys - - Allan Phillips for Religious and Medical Exemptions; Marvin Firestone, Northern CA vaccine injury attorney for Vaccine Court
    4. A Voice for Choice -
    5. NVIC - National Vaccine Information Center -
    6. Vaccine Package Inserts -
    7. CDC -
    8. ACIP - Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices -
    9. PubMed -
    10. 10 Signs of Vaccine Injury -
    11. Recent Books/Film: 
      1. Vaccines and Autoimmunity: Shoenfeld. MD
      2. Vaccine Data Safety Manual: Neil Z. Miller
      3. Dissolving Illusions: Suzanne Humphries, MD
      4. Vaxxed: - just CENSORED from TRIBECA Film Festival
Video Link to ABC Interview with producer of VAXXED:

Interview with Jim Funaro on Anthropological Perspectives of Today's World and the Upcoming Contact Conference

Listen Now to Jim Funaro

Since 1983 Jim Funaro has hosted what is known as The Contact Conference, an interdisciplinary conference Anthropologist JIm Funarowhich brings together some of the foremost international social and space scientists, science fiction writers and artists to exchange ideas stimulate new perspectives and encourage serious creative speculation about humanity future, both onworld and offworld.

It has become a highly creative gathering of future thinkers on this planet.  We talk to Jim about some of the highlights of pastContact Conference April 1-3 2016 Domain Hotel Sunnyvale, CA conferences, and his thoughts on how our current worldly issues, like terrorism and cultural assimilation, might be evolved from he has learned..and oh yes, and just for fun we talk about alien sex, drugs, and technology.  Enjoy!