The Best of the Futures - Interview Excerpts 1.0
Sunday, August 11, 2024
Digeratti Allan Lundell in Ben Fuchs, Bruce Damer, Carolyn Casey, Col Terry, Cosmic Conversation, Doc Tom, Nancy Griffith, Nick Herbert, Richard Marriot, consciousness, talk show

Listen Now to The Best of the Futures - Interview Excerpts 1.0

For this podcast we are excited to share with you some of our favorite people we have met over the 15 years of our show, audio clips from our Media Time Machine - Serendipitous choices for this podcast include Pharmacist Ben Fuchs, Psychic story maven Penny Kelly, Physicist Nick Herbert, Visionary Humorist Carolyn Casey, Talk Show stimulator Colonel Terry Maxwell, Amanita shamaness Avi Esther, Cosmic Story Editor Nancy Griffith, Life Origins Scientist Bruce Damer, Doc Tom Yarema, Accidental psychic Richard Marriot

 Instead of replaying full live shows, we are taking clips of our various guests and combining them with outtakes of others to create a dynamic interplay of thoughts and ideas that are quite engaging and relevant to what’s happening now.  Enjoy and you’ll hear from us in the future! 

Article originally appeared on N:OW (
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