Future News - Project Loon, Congressional Medical Testimony, Starlink Signup, Taylor Barcroft on big Apple News, Drone Bubble Pollinator, Axioms discovered? Dr. Dan & whistleblower Dr. Judy Mikovits call in from the steps of the state capitol.
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Digeratti Allan Lundell in Dr. Dan Beillin, Dr. Judy Mikovits, Future News, Greg Panos, News, Project Loon, Starlink, interview, taylor barcroft
Listen Now to Future News 6.24.2020
UFOs over Central Valley?  Project Loon seems to be responsible, a balloon-based internet company.  Starlink is now looking for beta testers, are you one?  Drones can now pollinate flowers, using bubble makers on board! Taylor Barcroft gives us the download on the latest announcements from Apple during their WWDC week.
Noctiluminescent clouds and strange new particles called axioms from the Sun are in the news. And we speak live to Dr. Dan and medical whistleblower Dr. Judy Mikovits, on the steps of the state capitol about why they are there and what they hope to accomplish. Enjoy.
Article originally appeared on N:OW (https://www.drfutureshow.com/).
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