Listen Now to Future News 10.29.2019
This week has been tough for us Californians regarding wildfires and preventative blackouts, and our listeners had a lot to say about it, including some good preventitive suggestions for future scenarios, like reducing the forest fuel loads and more trimming and closer monitoring of the transmission lines. Our firetracker, Frank Schwartz checked in briefly, as his bandwidth was very limited in the blackout zone known as Sebastopol. He’ll be back next week for a more comprehensive report.
Other news includes the landing of the X37B spaceplane after two years in orbit, the 50th anniversary of the Internet, a new lunar rover mission to look for water ice, sperm in space experiments, the asteroid Hygieia is now recognized as a dwarf planet, a new telescope at Kitts Peak in Arizona will observe thousands of galaxies in studying the nature of dark matter and why the Universe is accelerating it’s expansion, and how powerful short pulsing lasers can reduce the radioactive half life of nuclear waste! Enjoy..