Future News - Asteroid Update, Pluto in our Crosshairs, Printing Circuits, Bandwidth on the Rise
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Digeratti Allan Lundell in News, Pluto New Horizons, asteroid lander, printing circuits

Listen Now to Future News 11.18.2014

It’s been really fun listening to the reports of Philae and the asteroid.  We bring you the latest news from ‘the rock,’ (as of our broadcast), and then take you out to Pluto, where are NASA probe, New Horizons, is waking up, being taken out of suspended animation and into the present, prepping for it’s Plutonion explorations.  

The evolution of printers takes another step into the future with the printing of working electronic circuits, further opening up the design and implementation of electronic gadgets for every conceivable use. Amazing breathrough!  

And lots of bandwidth for all seems to be the future, as Project Loon and new wireless technologies further increase our breadth and coverage of Planet Earth with Wifi. Lots of callers this week too, enjoy!


Article originally appeared on N:OW (https://www.drfutureshow.com/).
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