Listen Now to Future News and Views 8.4.2020
This week we catch you up-to-date with news on some new Covid-19 treatment modalities, with our science correspondent Bobby Wilder and wholistic health practitioner, Dr. Dan Beilin. Conversation includes updates on hydroxycloroquine, the 40 year-old anti-parasitic anti-viral drug, Ivermectin, the promising antibody research of Dr. Jacob Glanville, and a seaweed extract, RPI-27, often used in sushi.
On Space News this week we cover the splashdown of the Dragon capsule with astronauts on board, Amazon’s new space-based communication network, and Virgin Galactic’s new Mach 3 supersonic passenger plane.
And for your psycho-spiritual well-being, we introduce you to Prem Ashoka, a local Santa Cruz wise elder, who shares with us his mind-blowing shakti experience that put him on his spirtual path. Enjoy!