84 Future Now Show - Mystery Orbs Swarm Air Force Bases, De-extinction of Tasmanian Tiger, Nanoparticle Infusion Therapy, Com Sat strangely breaks up, Laser Defense update, C-Section/Natural Birthing Experiences
Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Digeratti Allan Lundell in Birthing, Discussion, Nanoparticle infusion therapy, de-extinction, dialog, health, mystery orbs, talk show

Listen to 84 Future Now

Once again we have Gabriel Cianfrani in studio with us to comment on this week’s stories.  We think you’ll enjoy her presence, especially her personal birthing stories.  We also have the Larry and Mary AI’s commenting on a breaking story about a massive asteroid that contributed to life on Earth 3 billion years ago.  This is also the week of UFO/UAP Disclosure via the New Paradigm Institute, where we discuss the latest incursion of 20 foot orbs into the air space of Air Force bases, where you might think they would have some security from these purportedly alien craft.

Space Junk Orbiting the Earth..Mark Garlick/Getty Images

There is also some progress in the development of laser beam defence systems, such as Iron Beam protecting Israel, which could obsolete ballistic missiiles in warfare. And then there is the mystery of a major communications satellite that has mysteriously broken up into 20 pieces.  We also discuss the latest in de-extinction experiments and the evoution of natural childbirth, based on personal experiences by Gabriel. We had a lot of fun toay, which I think you’ll enjoy!

Al, Gabs and Sun in the Aptosian Studio

Article originally appeared on N:OW (https://www.drfutureshow.com/).
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