Ag Drones, Huge online attack, Smell-o-vision, Bitcoin Hits $1Billion, Keep your Laws off my Body, TEDx Fringe Science Issues, Depression Detector,Michael Rugg on Bigfoot Today
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Digeratti Allan Lundell

Listen Now to  Dr. Future Show 4.2.13

Lots of interesting news today, the most controversial involving whether we have the right to take unapproved treatments for terminal conditions.  Lots of calls on that issue, as well as the withdrawal of TEDx support for a conference in West Hollywood involving a number of consciousness researchers.  Fringe science once again is under attack..

And for exploring the fringe world of Bigfoot, we have none other than our very own local researcher, explorer, and curator of the Bigfoot Discovery Museum, Michael Rugg, in the studio today.  A consumate story teller, Michael educates us in the mystery of Bigfoot, especially local lore and legend. He shares with us some audio files he collected of very haunting Bigfoot cries in the Santa Cruz mountains. Amazing to hear!


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