Guest - Richard Maywood, RAF, ret. World War II Mosquito Tales
Friday, June 1, 2012
Digeratti Allan Lundell in RAF, Rebecca Costa, Richard Maywood, World War II, mosquito airplane, mosquito veteran

Listen Now to Richard Maywood

In honor of Memorial Day, we have Richard Maywood, Royal Air Force, ret., who shares with us some of his adventures and perspectives of what it was like to be in the Mosquito squadrons of WW II. They were, for example,  the fastest bombers of the time, made of wood for lightness, and could make it solo to Berlin and back to the UK in 4.5 hours, twice as fast as the U.S. B-17 flying fortresses with 1/10 the casualities.  A lifetime later, these adventures are still fresh in Richard’s mind, as you will hear..

 RAF Mosquito WW II Veterans


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