Listen Now, The Dr. Future Show News 11.15.11
The many shutdowns of Occupy sites got our attention this week, with such activities being tracked live via Twitterspace and internet-based video streams. What’s next in this arena? We explore some of the options.
In other news, Ray Kurzweil is now involved with a Hollywood flick on the Singularity, 3D printing is starting to impact mainstream thinking, Polaroid gives us instant grat digitally in the tried-and-true way they did in the old days, a new kind of robot, and what’s going on at the secret labs of Google X?
This week our news is a separate file from our interview hour, where Dr. Bruce Damer speaks of a new blueprint for US government, Democracy 3.0, incorporating everything he has learned working and interacting with groups around the world to define how things could be. This is posted as a standalone, for those particularly interested in what Dr. Damer has to say. Meanwhile, enjoy The Dr. Future Show news!