Dr. Future News - Curiosity Cooked the Soil, Jumbo Squid Invasion, Look Officer, no Traffic Lights!,Forget Embryonic Stem Cells, just give me Dr. Pei, Your Brain on Stories..
Quite an interesting week, with the invasion of an alien species of squid on our Aptosian beaches, the so-called Humboldt Jumbo Squid, a very large species that eats our local calamari population for lunch, much like us! We awoke to found hundreds of these 2-4 foot long deep sea creatures from the South Pacific stranded on our beaches, apparently tossed there by large waves during the early morning’s high tide. We even found one alive and saved it’s alien life.
Meanwhile, our Rover Curiousity started to look for Martian life in the soil of the Red Planet, unearthing some tell-tale signs…or should I say ‘unmartianing’…and on this planet, China’s Dr. Pei has successfully created brain stem cells from urine, a remarkable achievement..
Oh yes, and that the human brain on stories suggests that our brains actually activate the same various centers of activity as the person who tells the story. Not to jump to any conclusions of course, but could reality actually be a simulation, a giant Holodeck? Hmmmmm….