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Dr. Future News - Curiosity Cooked the Soil, Jumbo Squid Invasion, Look Officer, no Traffic Lights!,Forget Embryonic Stem Cells, just give me Dr. Pei, Your Brain on Stories..  

Dr. Future News 12.12.12

Quite an interesting week, with the invasion of an alien species of squid on our Aptosian beaches, the so-called Humboldt Jumbo Squid, a very large species that eats our local calamari population for lunch, much like us!  We awoke to found hundreds of these 2-4 foot long deep sea creatures from the South Pacific stranded on our beaches, apparently tossed there by large waves during the early morning’s high tide.  We even found one alive and saved it’s alien life.  

Meanwhile, our Rover Curiousity started to look for Martian life in the soil of the Red Planet, unearthing some tell-tale signs…or should I say ‘unmartianing’…and on this planet, China’s Dr. Pei has successfully created brain stem cells from urine, a remarkable achievement.. 

Oh yes, and that the human brain on stories suggests that our brains actually activate the same various centers of activity as the person who tells the story.  Not to jump to any conclusions of course, but could reality actually be a simulation, a giant Holodeck? Hmmmmm….


Dr. Future News and Commentary - Peter Diamandis NASA talk on Abundance, Autonomous Evolution, Solar System Economy, Moral Machines, Mental update, Improving Facebook, Mr. Past lives!

Dr. Future News 12.04.12

We have more commentary than usual for this show, as we had very provocative topics to stimulate us, like Peter Diamandis, who spoke on the topic of Abundance this week at NASA Ames.  Are we ready for a Star Trek type of society, where it’s not so much about jobs as about passion and actual skills?  And with technological change  happening exponentially these days, can we move into a solar system economy smoothly? We think so, as it is actually happening now. Enjoy!


Captain Crunch Gives us some Advice on Passwords

Listen Live Now to Captain Crunch

After all the bru ha ha from Wired this month on how we are not safe with using online passwords anymore, we contacted Captain Crunch, King of the Hackers, for his sage advice.  Enjoy!


Future News- Migrating to Mars, Facebook Copyright Hoax, Sasquatch DNA, Cross breeding Endangered Species, Gourmet robot burgers, Pentagon Tries to Avoid Terminators.

Elon Musk has got us thinking about Mars again with plans to increase the oxygen content of the atomosphere to the point where it can sustain human life. It’s at that magic flash point, he predicts, when everyone who can afford a half million dollars to leave Earth can become a Mars colonist.  That’s the magic number for leaving this planet, the cost of the average California burb house…Sounds about right..
Also of major interest this week is a new approach to dealing with creatures on the verge of extinction.
 “Breed them back into existence!” some new conservationists say, “with related species.”  What?  Not keep them purebreed.  Heresey from the current paradigm of creature preservation..
Gee, and then there’s the latest DNA evidence of Big Foot.  Apparently 15,000 years ago a North American woman cross bred with another species, creating the elusive creature..
Robots are also advancing with a new robotic hamburger helper that’ll make them your way, at 360 burgers an hour, as we see the approaching launch of the first restuarant chain that profitably sells gourmet hamburgers. Not be left behind, as the Pentagon evolves new robots that can turn you into hamburger meat, they’ve been looking at how they can make sure that there is a human somewhere in the equation making the ‘kill’ decisions. No sir, no Terminators in this shop…

The Futures Interview with 'What is Erotic?' producers, Laura Bishop and Misha Bonaventura

Listen Now to Laura and Misha

Every Valentines Day for the last 7 years, a highly sensual and popular variety show has been presented to the Santa Cruz community at large, with it’s content derived from members in the community.  This very personal self-reflective highly creative process is guided by Laura Bishop and Misha Bonaventura, who help each participant be their most authentic erotic self for the show, and usually for their lives after that.

Could such an approach be a key to evolving the emotional and sensual literacy of communities world-wide? Also, Dr. Future runs a couple of his ideas on intimacy at a distance by our local experts..


Laura Bishop and Misha Bonaventura on The Dr. Future Show at KOMY.